2000-2001 Leaving by the way (in production, feature, 100 min, 35 mm, colour)
2000 The Wedding (feature, 30 min, 35 mm, colour).
Nominated for the best sound, camera, director, actor and picture, received the main prizes for the best actor (Andris Keiss) and the best feature film in the Latvian National Film Festival "Lielais Kristaps" in 2000.
1998 The Train( documentary, 10 min,35 mm, colour )
The award of the Latvian Ministry of Culture for the best debut
1996 ``The Strange Heaven`` ( 10 min, 35 mm, b/w )
1995 ``The Cook`s Song`` ( 16 min, 16 mm, b/w )
2001 W.A.Mozart, "The Magic Flute"
Latvian National Opera
2000 Mircea Eliade, "The Serpent"
New Riga Theatre
1998 A.Pushkin, "Yevgeny Onegin"
Latvian National Opera
1999 F.Dostoyevsky, "Idiot"
New Riga Theatre
1998 ``Fiesta Ligo`` performance dedicated to EXPO`98 (Lisbon, Portugal )
Cast-New Riga Theatre
1998 Rudolfs Blaumanis, ``Tailor`s Days in Silmachi``
New Riga Theatre
1996 Mircea Eliade, ``Virgin Christina``
New Riga Theatre
1996 Ernesto Sabato, ``The Tunnel``
The Union of Unbearable Theatre ( Riga,Latvia )
1996 Alexander Pushkin, ``Stone Guest``
The Union of Unbearable Theatre ( Riga,Latvia )
1997 ``The Possessed Women`` after ``Joseph and His Brothers`` by T.Mann
Baltic Seaside Drama`96 ( Nida, Lithuania )
1996 Luigi Pirandello, ``The Light and the Darkness``
Latvian Academy of Culture ( Riga, Latvia )