Education - higher
Latvia University, faculty of Economics

Baiba Urbane
Baiba Urbāne
She started working in field of cinematography in 1977 after studying economics at the University. At the beginning she worked as a production manager at Riga Documentary Film Studio. At present she is an independent film producer. She participated in productions of films by such well-known directors as Juris Podnieks, Romualds Pipars, Talivaldis Margevics, Aivars Freimanis, Andris Slapins, Laima Zurgina, Sergejs Nikolajevs, etc. She participated in more than 80 film productions.
Member of Latvian Filmmakers Union and Latvian Film Producers Association. Since 1993 she is the director of European Documentary Films Symposiums.
Work experience

1995 - present - Film Studio GILDE, producer
1993 - present - European Documentary Fim Symposiums, managing director
1991 - 1993 - Riga Documentary Film Studio, deputy director
1993 - 1998 - Riga Documentary Film Studio, producer
1977 - 1991 - Riga Film Studio, production manager

As producer has worked for the following films:

2018 History Behind the Screen, Documentary, 97min. Film Studio GILDE
Capitalism at Crossroad Street Documentary, 103', Format: HD 16:9, EDKS
2008 A Double-Portrait of the Coin Film Studio GILDE
2007 In the Shade of the Oak Tree
007 Latvijas zinātniskā ekspedīcija Sakkārā - Ēģiptē Film Studio GILDE

2006 Comeback/ Atgriezšanās
2005 Stand up, Teacher!
2004 We Are / Esam
2003 Viktorja's Children
2003 Actor's Solo / Aktiera Solo"
For All My Life / Par visu manu dzivi
Stark. The Sacret Bird / Svetelis
1999 Eastern Border of Land / Zemes Austrumu robezai
1998 Gavriila / Gavriilas debesu brauksana
1997 The Road / Cels - about VIA Baltica and new roads in Latvia
1996 Joseph Rancans/ Baltais biskaps ar rudzupuki
1996 Fly Safely / Lidojiet drosi
1995 With Confidence to the Throne of Mercy / Ar palavibu pie zelsirdibas trona
1992 Look at Latvia / Luk, Latvija
1991 I am a Latvian / Es esmu latvietis
1989 Janis Berzins. Head of Intelligence Service / Janis Berzins. Izlukdienesta prieksnieks
1987 Fields of Hope / Ceribu lauki
1986 Siziphus Rolls a Stone / Vel Sizifs akmeni
1994 Punishment for a Dream / Sods par sapni
1986 Is It Easy to be Young? / Vai viegli but jaunam?

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