Work experience
1995 - present - Film Studio GILDE, producer
1993 - present - European Documentary Fim Symposiums, managing director
1991 - 1993 - Riga Documentary Film Studio, deputy director
1993 - 1998 - Riga Documentary Film Studio, producer
1977 - 1991 - Riga Film Studio, production manager
As producer has worked for the following films:
2018 History Behind the Screen, Documentary, 97min. Film Studio GILDE
2013 Capitalism at Crossroad Street Documentary, 103', Format: HD 16:9, EDKS
2008 A Double-Portrait of the Coin Film Studio GILDE
2007 In the Shade of the Oak Tree
2007 Latvijas zinātniskā ekspedīcija Sakkārā - Ēģiptē Film Studio GILDE
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